Sunday, March 04, 2007

We Move No Longer in Single File

We are 4 months today, 4 months since the wedding. How time files. Since then, it has been time spent trying to get our ordinary lives in order, trying to find our routine around the Jemej home.

Finally, after months of bills/documents that have piled up, I couldn't take it anymore. Got down to it, spent this weekend FILING them into order. No longer do you file away your own things, but you have double filing to do. Filing for 2 people. A feeling of sudden "grown-upness" hit me as I recall how my dad used to keep my siblings' and my personal folders for us.

Now, I'm on my own, to do it for my own family. For now, they are Mr and Mrs. I feel so blessed that I no longer walk alone, that I now have someone whom I call my lifetime companion.


Little Miss Snooze said...

I hate settling the bills and filing, yet there's immense satisfaction after completing them :P

yuling said...

sweet. yes, it does feel very 'grown-uppish', though i must confess i'm not the one doing it! he's the finance minister, i'm the minister of information, communication and the arts! =)

Anonymous said...

i stash bills and home together... :P and i don't do V's coz that is a blackhole i don't want to get drawn into!


Anonymous said...

you'll never walk alone... :P

Jemej said...

lilsnooze > hard work sure does bring satisfaction when it's completed! :)

yuling > haha, i like your role! ;)

little ms bead-a-lot > hee, erm, okies! ssshhhh...

silver-crv > wah, trust you to pick that up! ;)

mummybean said...

i'm definitely the filer at home too - as soon as we were married DD gleefully abdicated opening any mail (and bills) to me! sigh. i like your filing system :)

Jemej said...

haha, so you are the "organiser" around the house then! :D