Sunday, April 13, 2008

Wakeboarding in the Rain

I went out wakeboarding again yesterday. Alas, the sunny weather didn't hold up, and soon, we had to hide away from the lightning and dark clouds.

We took shelter under the bridge, anchoring ourselves to whatever you call this "AMH" thing next to our boat.

I've never been this close to cranes before, much less looking at it from the bottom! It was pretty miserable (and amusing) at the same time, while we were under the bridge. When the wind blew, we would be pelted with the rain drops. The next thing we knew, it was raining sand particles - they came from the construction "site" next to us, and because I made so much noise, I ended up having some in my mouth as well. Next time I know, just keep my mouth shut.

Once the dark clouds cleared, we went on with the wakeboarding, even though it was still raining. The rain drops against the face was pretty shiok, but terribly cold once you get out of the water!!

And if I thought Aloy was pro enough, these 2 other ladies were even more impressive, one of them doing 2-wake jumps and all. I'm pretty keen on learning more than gliding along with the waves, but I don't think I would end up buying my own board eventually!

Leant how to move to the left and right, causing my lower back to ache big time. I'm so gonna feel the pain tomorrow... =p


ShutterBug said...

wah... The pains of looking good: toned arms and thighs, suntan bod and a skill to boost :)

Anonymous said...

ok, now in addition to somebody's step touch, rollerblade and swimming actions, we're gonna make you do the wakeboarding demo hur hur hur :P

- 'chloe'

imp said...

ugh. the rain no fun. but the exercise will be great for the flab!

Jemej said...

shutterbug > wah, these 'ideals' seem very far-fetch and unattainable for now!! :p

Chloe > yeah, DN and I will do these, provided you all follow, like aerobics class you know? :D

Imp > gosh yes, my muscles are positively aching now!!