Saturday, July 28, 2007

Staying Connected

It was dinner and a long overdue catch-up session with buddy SZ on Friday after work. Settled for the Pump Room after walking around Clarke Quay for a bit. Our first time here. Food was alright, not anything to rave about. The home-brewed beer at this microbrewery tasted a bit flat, for some reason. Maybe it's supposed to be like that? I'm not sure, I'm no beer connoisseur.

But the catching up wih each other was certainly a good one. She's always someone I can look to for some sound advice on work and haha, shopping. Because we don't see each other as often, I tried convincing her to start a blog. Blogging has, in a phenomenal way, brought people closer together. People with similar interests. People with common friends. Well, she still has her reservations about publicly sharing her life though, to which I told her it could be that and more. But of course, it's a personal choice at the end of the day.

I only remember the rest of the evening as being giggly - sharing an entire bottle of wine between us and more beer! Gosh, it's "detox" for the weekend!


mummybean said...

I've thought of asking friends to blog too so I can keep up with them. they don't, but they bug me to update! sigh.

Jemej said...

well, at least they know what you are up to! :D