Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mummy's Day

Lunch was at Tetsu @ Tanglin Mall today, to celebrate Mummy's Day. My own mum couldn't make it, she had to work (of all days!) as one of their important directors was in town.

Julian just gets cuter each time we see him, breaking into this cheeky smile of his every now and then!

We took lots of pictures. It's been a while since we had lunch in such a big group, which could have been even bigger if my family had joined. And Julian has the funniest reaction when you feed him lemons!

All the mummies.... and the not-mummy-yet.

And I had my go at carrying him around, trying to distract him from his parents with anything that is "exclaimable" - WOW LOOK AT THE ELMO BALLOON!!

After that 5, 10 minutes or so of carrying him around, my arms were weak and trembling by the time I returned him to his parents. I'm amazed at how strong mummies can be, having to carry their babies around like that all the time!

We rounded off the afternoon with a nice cuppa at Oomphatico. I've always thought it would be a small cafe, as the entrance was quite small. So I was pleasantly surprised to see how big it opened out, into an al fresco verandah, upon entering. I was immediately taken in by the small artistic touches around the place - I love the chairs!! We'll be back very soon for sure, to check out their food.


pei fen said...

i LOVE the food and service at Tetsu's... go there with my mum quite often.
apparently, they say mothers have some of the strongest biceps around ;)
and you're looking like a pro carrying julian- what a good looker he is. he is growing TOO FAST!!

candice said...

carrying babies or toddlers is one of the best form of exercise for the arms!! it tones the muscles when you try to gain control as they try to wriggle out of your hold.

~tif;fany* said...

ahhh that looks like a fab new-addition-to-the-family family photo! :)

Anonymous said...

now we are having the same experience carrying Edgar... he is close to 10kg and he is moving around...

and i have stop going to the gym to carry weight.. if you know what i mean? :P

Jemej said...

pei fen > having to carry babies like that, you won't need to go weights training at the gym anymore!

Yup, they grow so fast. so like many say, enjoy their cuteness while it lasts!

candice > spoken like a pro! ;)

tiffany > i like the shot :)

silver-crv > it's like carrying a sack of rice, amazing!